Professional of water jet cutting

Meca Jet d'Eau company

Meca Jet d'Eau is a company based in Revel in the Haute-Garonne specializing in industrial cutting using high pressure water jets on all types of material.

This process allows the precise machining of thick pieces without any faults and waste. With 20 years experience, Meca Jet d’Eau has acquired a large number of references in the industrial sector.

Furthermore, Meca Jet d'Eau is certified ISO 9001 and EN9100 : Industrial cutting water jet for all types of materials and thicknesses.

We have several models of industrial machine including a 5-axis and a storage space of 500 m2.

Méca Jet d'Eau : water jet machining loaded with abrasiveindustrial cutting all materials

Water jet cutting

Recognized for a long time in the industrial sector, water jet cutting is a precise and reliable process. It allows the machining of materials such as steel, titanium, aluminium, marble, glass plates, and can cleanly cut through a thickness of 200 millimeters. The key advantage is that it produces no heat transfer which generally deforms material by the heat generated.

The different processes

Industrial cutting water jet can be dissociated into 2 processes:

  • Pure water cutting Process is mainly used on soft materials of low thickness such as plastic, rubber, foam rubber, composite...

  • The abrasive water jet cutting Process is used for hard materials such as steel, stainless steel, titanium, aluminium, marble, glass...
Méca Jet d'Eau : industrial water jet cuttingindustrial cutting all materials
Cutting on steel, stainless steel, titanium, aluminium...

Industrial cutting of all materials

According to the needs of our customers, we adapt our machines to perform machining corresponding to the required shapes, thicknesses and materials. Our customers can supply the raw materials they wish to cut or we take care to order the desired materials.

Méca Jet d'Eau : pure water cuttingToulouse
Cutting canon

High pressure cutting

The water is put under high pressure of up to more than 4000 bars before being discharged by the cutting nozzle. The machines are programmed for the nozzle following the design that will make the shape of the part.

Our quality team then checks each machined part which allows us to guarantee a low error rate.

We adapt to each customer request in order to respect the deliver deadline.